Three steps to shredded!
Over years of training, coaching, and studying I have the fitness industry’s secrets to get you in the best shape of your life! Many trainers will charge hundreds of dollars to give you this information, but we are going to give it to you for free! Just kidding there are no secrets. With no further ado, here are the three things you should do to get shredded!
Step 1: Train.
Yes ladies and gents, lift weights. If you are a beginner trainee adding some weight or reps each time you train will do perfectly! If you do not know where to start, then I suggest the “rule of 3 to 5”. This simply means that you will train 3 to 5 times a week, performing 3 to 5 exercises, completing 3 to 5 sets. The more advanced you become the more you will have to pay attention to details like volume, intensity, frequency (check out our previous blogs for more information). Finally, top off training sessions with a little conditioning. Just keep it simple.
Step 2: Eat.
If you do Step 1 correctly then you are going to need to eat enough to recover from training sessions. Now, do not get sucked into the swirling crap vortex that is fad diets, meal replacement shakes, and super foods. If you train correctly then eat like you give a damn. Here is my suggestion. Eat according to your goal. If you want to lose weight, then you need to create a caloric deficit. If you want to gain weight, then you need to create a caloric surplus. Guess what! We have a previous blog about this as well!
Step 3: Sleep…like a little baby.
Just sleep. It is simple! The effort put forth when training and eating will be less FAR LESS significant if you do not sleep!
Well there you have it! Train, eat, and sleep your way to that sexy “toned” bikini bod that you have always wanted. I should mention that there are some side effects to these recommendations, and they include: increased sexual attractiveness, more time spent flexing in mirrors and windows and a body like iron…only stronger!